contingent adj. 1.可能的;偶然的 (to); 临时的;附随的。 2.因情况而异的,视条件而定的 (upon)。 3.应急(用)的。 contingent fund 应急费。 Such risks are contingent to the trade. 这种危险对于那种生意是可能有的。 n. 1.偶然[可能]事件。 2.部分,份额;【军事】小分队,分遣队[舰队];代表团。 a crack contingent精锐部队。 reduce ... down to token contingents 把…裁减到象征性的限额。 contingent on [upon] 视…而定 (fee [remuneration] contingent on success 成功才给的报酬)。 adv. -ly 偶然,意外;看情况;相应地。
Our success is contingent upon your continued help 我们的成功全靠你的不断帮助
Is contingent upon an agreement i made with director chase ' s office last year 是基于我去年和蔡斯主管的协定
Is contingent upon an agreement i made with director chase ' s office last year 是基于我去年和蔡斯主管的协定
Note : the audit is not contingent upon the production of coca - cola products at the time of the audit 备注:审核时,审核不一定在产品制造商生产可口可乐公司的产品时才进行。
The deal is contingent upon the d - backs working out a contract extension with johnson , with a 72 - hour negotiation window approved by the commissioner ' s office on thursday 这笔交易必须在响尾蛇队在星期四大联盟官方认可的72个小时谈判期限之内和巨怪签下合约之后才能生效。
The rights protected in the amendment “ are not limited to militia service ” , the majority argued , “ nor is an individual ' s enjoyment of the right contingent upon . . . enrolment in the militia ” 法令的修正“并不仅仅是保护民兵服务” ,大多数人说道, “也非是视民兵入学而定的个人的权力喜好。 ”
The rights protected in the amendment “ are not limited to militia service ” , the majority argued , “ nor is an individual ' s enjoyment of the right contingent upon . . . enrolment in the militia ” 大多数人争辩道:在修正法中受到保护的权利不会受到民兵服务的限制,个人的权利享受和民兵招收也不会由此限制。
The rights protected in the amendment “ are not limited to militia service ” , the majority argued , “ nor is an individual ' s enjoyment of the right contingent upon . . . enrolment in the militia ” 这项权利保护修正案中的“不限至疟疾患者服务”的条款,大多数人对此议论纷纷, “这也不是个人享有的权利。 。 。征兵入伍中提到的。 ”
Here , clearly , creation is described as an absolute beginning , which includes the assertion that the very existence of the universe is contingent upon a necessary higher being , a god who is not himself created 这里明显地造物被描述为一个绝对的开端,包括断言宇宙真正的存在是跟随一个不是自己创造的上帝的必需的更高存在。
Party a shall pay commissions to party b contingent upon party as objective ability to fully or partially fulfill said orders , despite and aside from any other commitments for product previously placed with party a 甲方应按照甲方完全或部分完成上述订单的客观能力支付乙方佣金,不管甲方产品在出品之前是否产生任何其他费用。
contingent uponとは意味:~を条件とする、~次第で、~に付随{ふずい}する Any decrease in price will have to be contingent on simplifying the specifications. 価格の引下げは仕様書の簡素化が条件だ。 Any increase in discount will have to be contingent on a larger order. ...